European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

5 -Training and educational capacity to build competencies




NIHR CRN-Children - National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network-Children

Evidence of collaboration with regulatory authorities Yes The UK clinical research regulatory body (MHRA) is represented on the MCRN Board and works closely with the network. Strong links also exist with the EMA/Enpr-EMA.
Capacity to provide competent consultation to regulatory authorities Yes The Network provides expertise when required by regulatory agencies. The Director and several Associate Directors of the MCRN have key roles within national and pan-European regulatory authorities (for example, the MHRA Paediatric Expert Advisory Group, the UK Commission of Human Medicines and Enpr-EMA.
Formal meetings for clinical trials No These are organised by the trials units and study teams of the Portfolio studies, however, MCRN has close links with these groups and regularly contributes to formal meetings associated with Portfolio studies.
Training courses given over the last 2 years Yes The MCRN is part of the NIHR Clinical Research Network, which operates a widescale training programme relating to all aspects of clinical research, and which is open to all investigators associated with MCRN Portfolio studies.
Training courses received over the last 2 years Yes The MCRN is part of the NIHR Clinical Research Network, which operates a widescale training programme relating to all aspects of clinical research, and which is open to all investigators associated with MCRN Portfolio studies.
Promotion of participation in clinical trials in countries with limited resources No
List of Countries  

Not applicable