European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

5 -Training and educational capacity to build competencies




RIPPS - Réseau d'Investigation Pédiatrique des Produits de Santé Service de Pharmacologie Clinique (Hôpital Saint Vincent de Paul Groupe hospitalier Cochin – Saint Vincent de Paul)

Evidence of collaboration with regulatory authorities Yes Catherine CHiron, Gérard Pons and Behrouz Kassai are members of the French Pediatric Investigation Plan working group and members of the Comité d'Orientation Pédiatrique in ANSM Donner le nom des PIP deposés avec G. Pillon (cf nadine). Behrouz Kassai is an active member of the ethics committe, CPP sud est 2, and member of the cercle éthique en pédiatrie CERPED ( Gerard Pons is an active member of the EMA Pediatric Committee
Capacity to provide competent consultation to regulatory authorities Yes Several network members are members of similar committees.
Formal meetings for clinical trials Yes 2
Training courses given over the last 2 years Yes ESDP-EUDIPHARM Eudipharm : training for investigators and CRA (3 day twice per year) Pharmatrain Organisation of conferences and seminars, part of Innovative Medicine
Training courses received over the last 2 years Yes All staff are GCP trained and access training courses and conferences appropriate to their continuous professional development (cpd) or in relation to specific trials.
Promotion of participation in clinical trials in countries with limited resources No Not yet
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