European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

1 - Research experience and ability



JPeDNet - Japan Pediatric Society Drug Development Network

Number of completed trials 0
Number of ongoing trials 0
Total number of participants actually recruited each year 0
Proportion of eligible participants actually recruited each year 0
Describe way of screening and participant recruitment JPeDNet does not screen patients. PCTN does screen hospitals with patients but does not screen patients as a network.
Total number of collaborating centres 0
Academic investigator initiated studies
Number of ongoing and completed clinical trials. Absolute number 0
Number of ongoing and completed clinical trials. Proportion of all studies
Number of paediatric specialties covered by paediatric trials] 0
Number of paediatric conditions covered by paediatric trials] 0
Number of other ongoing research studies programs] 0
Proportion of academic initiated studies 0: Each sub-specialty runs clinical trials independent of JPeDNet.
Proportion of budget
Number of registered study participants.
All studies
Number of ongoing and completed trials 0
Number of paediatric specialties covered by paediatric trials 0
Number of paediatric conditions covered by paediatric trialss 0
Number of registered study participants all studies 0