European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

3 - Specific competencies and capacity to provide export advice




JPeDNet - Japan Pediatric Society Drug Development Network

Number of peer reviewed publications in the last 5 years 0 None that has a reference to the JPeDNet.
Number of competitive grants obtained in the last 5 years 1
Access to expert groups Yes JPS officially recognizes 24 sub-specialty societies among which 18 have agreed to set up working groups to collaborate with the JPeDNet. JPS also communicate with other sob-specialty societies especially surgery sub-specialties that can give JPS expert advice.
Capacity to answer external scientific questions Yes JPS officially recognizes 24 sub-specialty societies among which 18 have agreed to set up working groups to collaborate with the JPeDNet. JPS also communicate with other sob-specialty societies especially surgery sub-specialties that can give JPS expert advice. Research coordinator from the National Center for Child Health and Development and/or PCTN, Japan can also respond to quieries for practical issues.
Site feasibility No
Participant recruitment No
Budget calculation for studies No PCTN, Japan, does have SOP for budget calculation for the 55 centers of the network.