European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

4 - Quality management




Newcastle-CCLG - Newcastle Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Pharmacology Studies Group

Documented adherence to GCP guideline Yes All members of the network have experience in conducting GCP compliant studies and appropriate GCP training is regularly undertaken.
Documented adherence to the ethical considerations for clinical trials in children Yes Provisions highlighted in the 'ethical considerations' document referred to have been implemented in the design of a number of proposed and recently opened studies. Of particular relevance to the clinical pharmacology studies that we carry out is the issue of acceptable blood volumes and frequency of blood sampling. Indeed we have published studies designed to address this issue (Cole et al., 2006; Cole et al., 2007).
Documented adherence to ethical considerations Yes Ethical approval has been obtained for all studies.
Availability of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Yes SOPs for study-related activities are posted on the study website. All other SOPS are stored within the document management system at the Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University.
Capacity to monitor studies
(academic trials industry sponsored trials)
Yes All clinical centres participating in trials have been monitored by the group using an approach based on ICH 6 GCP Guidelines.
Capacity to monitor performance of collaborating centres Yes
Quality control and quality assurance, raceability and data safety Yes Quality control and assurance procedures are in place.