European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

6 -Public Involvement




RECLIP - Spanish Pediatric Clinical Trials Network

Involvement of patients, parents or their organisations in the protocol design Yes Patient Advisory Board of RECLIP involves patients and families in the design and processes that will take place during the clinical trial and in the decision making on the process. RECLIP YPAGS is under development
Involvement of patients, parents or their organisations in creating the protocol info package Yes Patient Advisory Board of RECLIP provides patients and families with the necessary information about the clinical management, the support staff, and how to make improvements, with the goal of better serving patients. It also promotes partnering with patients and working as interdisciplinary teams.
Involvement of patients, parents or their organisations in prioritisation of needs for Clinical Trials Yes Patient Advisory Board of RECLIP serves as an avenue for hearing what the patient needs and requirements.