European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

2 - Network organisation and process




PRINTO - Pediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation

Existence of an identified contact person for external enquiries Yes PRINTO international coordinating centre in Genoa (Italy) with PRINTO Senior Scientist plus 12 research assistants working full-time
Existence of an internal steering committee Yes
Existence of an external advisory steering committee directing the reporting party Yes Committee are formed ad-hoc based on the specific study needs
Existence of a website Yes or
Existence of newsletter Yes Usually one per year general newsletter plus several per year specific to each study
Existence of internal databases for disease, condition treatment and/or outcome Yes Ad-hoc web-based databases are created for the purposes of data collection of the specific trial
Provisions to ascertain data protection and data security Yes For the online data collection databases are put on an https platform with access restricted with username and password only to registered centres (e.g. centres with ethics committee approval)
Procedures to access the database by third parties Yes A request has to be done to the PRINTO Chairman and the request is then discussed for approval by the PRINTO Advisory Council
Access to external databases/registries No
Standardised process to access an external database No