European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

ID - Identification



JSWG of PRES - Juvenile Scleroderma Working Group of the Pediatric Rheumatology European Society

Type specialty network
Street Dehnhaide 120
Postal code 22081
Town Hamburg
Country Germany
Telephone 1 +494020923694
Telephone 2 +494020923697
Mobile phone +491773043625
Fax +494020923693
Web site //
Email for general enquiries
First name main contact Ivan
Second name main contact Foeldvari
First name further contacts Tamas
Second name further contacts Constantin
The data in this document are current as of 26/05/2022
State how this document can be accessed by the public webpage
Year of foundation 2003
Specialties_conditions covered juvenile scleroderma- localised and systemic
PkID 34