European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

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SPACE - Severe Paediatric Asthma Collaborative in Europe

Number of peer reviewed publications in the last 5 years 3 Severe Paediatric Asthma Collaborative in Europe (SPACE): protocol for a European registry cles/PMC5980472/ This publication was authored by SPACE CRC members. 2. Liu NM, Carlsen KCL, Cunningham S, Fenu G, Fleming LJ, Gappa M, Karadag B, Midulla F, Petrarca L, Pijnenburg MWH, Reier-Nilsen T, Rutjes NW, Rusconi F, Grigg J. First analysis of the Severe Paediatric Asthma Collaborative in Europe registry. ERJ Open Res. 2020 Nov 2;6(4):00566-2020. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00566-2020. PMID: 33263064; PMCID: PMC7682719. 3. Rusconi F, Fernandes RM, Pijnenburg MWH, Grigg J; SPACE Clinical Research Collaboration; European Lung Foundation severe asthma patient advisory group. The Severe Paediatric Asthma Collaborative in Europe (SPACE) ERS Clinical Research Collaboration: enhancing participation of children with asthma in therapeutic trials of new biologics and receptor blockers. Eur Respir J. 2018 Oct 18;52(4):1801665. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01665-2018. PMID: 30337488.
Number of competitive grants obtained in the last 5 years 0
Access to expert groups Yes The network is part of the European Respiratory Society Clinical Research Collaboration (ERS CRC), and its members are consultant physicians in tertiary paediatric asthma units across Europe. They have extensive links to other expert groups in- and outside of the ERS network.
Capacity to answer external scientific questions Yes This will be put in place.
Site feasibility Yes Participating sites are tertiary units for paediatric asthma. SOP not publicly accessible yet.
Participant recruitment Yes Monthly update of recruitment progress is in place.
Budget calculation for studies No Not available yet