European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

5 -Training and educational capacity to build competencies




UKPVG - United Kingdom Paediatric Vaccine Group

Evidence of collaboration with regulatory authorities Yes UKPVG centres have been inspected by Vaccine Manufacturers, by MHRA and by the Health and Safety Executive on various occasions.
Capacity to provide competent consultation to regulatory authorities Yes Have capacity to provide expert advice.
Formal meetings for clinical trials Yes As required for studies. Approximately 15 'face to face' meetings over the last 5 years, along with frequent teleconferences to discuss study planning and progress.
Training courses given over the last 2 years Yes Training is provided by Lead Centre and / or Sponsor for other centres for individual studies that take place in the network.
Training courses received over the last 2 years Yes As above.
Promotion of participation in clinical trials in countries with limited resources Yes Individual centres within the network provide support for such trials.
List of Countries  

Nepal, Togo, Fiji.