European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

6 -Public Involvement




PIBD-Net - Pediatric Inflammatory Diseases Network

Involvement of patients, parents or their organisations in the protocol design Yes The current project PIBDSetQuality is based on close interaction with DCCV (German charity) and AFA (French charity). A representative of the charity is present during the protocol writing meetings and receive for information the last version.
Involvement of patients, parents or their organisations in creating the protocol info package Yes The organisation receive for information the patient’s documents and all remarks are taken into account ( e.g a critical point on the design of the study, an emotional approach to the study protocol, an opinion on the presentation of informed consent,…)
Involvement of patients, parents or their organisations in prioritisation of needs for Clinical Trials Yes The organisation is informed of the new protocol idea. As the PIBD-Net’s protocols are not so many ( once every 3 years), there is no prioritisation needed.