European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

2 - Network organisation and process




AEPC Task Force on Clinical (drug) Trials

Existence of an identified contact person for external enquiries Yes through the members of the board of the task force
Existence of an internal steering committee Yes Members of the board are elected from the task force members. Contact details are available online at AEPC website
Existence of an external advisory steering committee directing the reporting party No
Existence of a website Yes
Existence of newsletter No Under development
Existence of internal databases for disease, condition treatment and/or outcome Yes Through individual centers
Provisions to ascertain data protection and data security Yes as per requirements of each center, no general provisions exists as of yet
Procedures to access the database by third parties Yes Access according the legal requirements applicable in the country where each center is based.
Access to external databases/registries Yes through the national centers if needed
Standardised process to access an external database No Under development