European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

2 - Network organisation and process




HunPedNet - Hungarian Primary Care Pediatricians’ Clinical Research Network

Existence of an identified contact person for external enquiries Yes Gabriella Germán MD
Existence of an internal steering committee Yes 4 person, whose names will be listed in the web page. They have regular meetings.
Existence of an external advisory steering committee directing the reporting party Yes 3 independent person (lawer, pharmacologist, economist) whose names will be listed in the web page.
Existence of a website Yes under development
Existence of newsletter Yes electronic via email for members only
Existence of internal databases for disease, condition treatment and/or outcome Yes Central database is under development. Currently available is the own praxis databases of the members, based on request.
Provisions to ascertain data protection and data security Yes on the webpage will be indicated that the Hungarian and European data protection regulation is followed
Procedures to access the database by third parties Yes only via network
Access to external databases/registries No
Standardised process to access an external database No