European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

2 - Network organisation and process




Multinational Interdisciplinary Working Group for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis associated uveitis

Existence of an identified contact person for external enquiries Yes Dipl. biol. Nicola Helmus, Coordinating Studynurse Schönklinikum Eilbek Dehnhaide 120, Haus 8 22081 Hamburg, Germany Tel: +49 40 2092-3697 Fax: +49 40 2092-3693
Existence of an internal steering committee Yes Pediatric Rheumatologists: Ivan Foeldvari Gabriele Simonini Jordi Anton Opthalmologists: Arnd Heiligenhaus Clive Edelsten Joke H. de Boer
Existence of an external advisory steering committee directing the reporting party No
Existence of a website Yes
Existence of newsletter Yes every 6 months
Existence of internal databases for disease, condition treatment and/or outcome Yes Customized pseudoanonomized Data base, at the Deutsche Rheumaforschungszentrum
Provisions to ascertain data protection and data security Yes Case sensitive password pseudoanonimized data collection
Procedures to access the database by third parties Yes IRB, and steering committee valutation
Access to external databases/registries Yes We have an agreement with a Spanish and Italian data base, already availble
Standardised process to access an external database Yes Official request linked to a specific project according to regulatory issues and always related to the ongoing research project