European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

ID - Identification



Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI)

Type Academic research organization Mission Statement: To develop and share knowledge that improves the care of patients around the world through innovative clinical research.
Street 2400 Pratt Street
Postal code 27705
Town Durham, NC
Country USA
Telephone 1 919 668 8700
Telephone 2
Mobile phone
Web site
Email for general enquiries
First name main contact Christoph
Second name main contact Hornik
First name further contacts Kanecia
Second name further contacts Zimmerman
The data in this document are current as of 16/02/2017
State how this document can be accessed by the public
Year of foundation 2010 (pediatric research component
Specialties_conditions covered Multspeciality
PkID 42