European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

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PEDSTART - French national paediatric research network

Type PEDSTART is a national paediatric clinical research network. It is multi-thematic and therefore works with all specialties. It responds to the need to promote research in children internationally. The research concerns all ages of pediatrics, from premature to adolescent. PEDSTART is coordinated by Regis Hankard and supported by F-CRIN (French Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) through INSERM. PEDSTART has access to all national specialty networks. It also represents French National Hub in IMI-2 c4c project (Collaborative Network for European Clinical Trials For Children)
Street 2 boulevard Tonnellé
Postal code 37044
Town TOURS Cedex 9
Country FRANCE
Telephone 1 +33218379554
Telephone 2 +33247477146
Mobile phone www pedstart fr
Web site
Email for general enquiries
First name main contact Régis
Second name main contact Hankard
First name further contacts Séverine
Second name further contacts Wack
The data in this document are current as of
State how this document can be accessed by the public
Year of foundation Founded in 2018 PEDSTART is the French contribution to c4c hosted by the INSERM in 2018. Even if PEDSTART network is a young network, it is based on the French paediatric CICs (Clinical Investigation Centers) network since 2005 (former member of EnprEMA)
Specialties_conditions covered Adolescent medicine, Allergology, Anaesthesia, Behavioural medicine, Bone marrow transplantation, Cardiology, Clinical Genetics, Clinical Pharmacology, Cystic Fibrosis, Dentistry and Orthodontics, Dermatology, Diabetes, Diagnostics (Histopathology, Radiology, Laboratory, Chemistry), Emergency medicine, Endocrinology, Epidemiology, Gastro-enterology, General paediatrics (hospital based), Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Haematology, Hemato-oncology, Hepatology, HIV, Immunology, Infectious diseases, Intensive care, Metabolic diseases, Modelisation, PK, Multispecialty, Neonatology, Nephrology, Neurology, Nutrition, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Otolaryngology, Paediatric Rehabilitation, Pain Management, Palliative care, Pharmacovigilance, Pneumology, Preterm infants, Primary paediatrics (community based), Psychiatry, psychology, Public health, Rheumatology, Sexual abuse and child abuse, Solid Organ Transplantation, Surgery, Urology, Vaccinology
PkID 100