European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

D - Description



EORTC CLG - Children Leukemia Group of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer

Year of foundation EORTC is founded in 1962,its Leukemia (adults and children) Group started in 1974, Children Leukemia Group: 1982 first trials were conducted together with the adult group In terms of infrastructure and processes EORTC CLG is fully integrated and rely on EORTC HQ capacity for the performance of clinical research.
Preterm and/or term newborn Yes
Infants from 1 month to less than 24 months of age Yes
Children from 2 years to less than 12 years of age Yes
Adolescents from 12 years to less than 18 years Yes
Paediatric age ranges of study participants covered by the network 0-18 years
Multispeciality? Specify Pediatric oncology
Speciality/disease specific? Specify Cancer
Conditions covered? Specify mainly acute lymphoblastic leukemias (some of other EORTC groups may also touch to other types of pediatric cancers though addressed together with adult population i.e. EWING sarcomas)
Procedure/Intervention specific? Specify Multi-modality treatements (chemotherapy, surgery, BM transplantes, radiotherapy etc...)
Number of collaborating countries 3
List of collaborating countries Belgium, France, Portugal
Number of collaborating centres 25
List of collaborating centres
Type of activity/studies All types of clinical research except prevention
Clinical Studies Yes
Experimental research Yes
Other activity Translational research Survivorship ....