European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

D - Description



HELPNET - Greek national network for pediatric clinical trials

Year of foundation 2019 year of HELPNET foundation as the Greek network of pediatric clinical trials, as part of the European program conect4children, c4c The year of start of pediatric research activities of the Principal Investigator of HELPNET (E. Roilides):.....
Preterm and/or term newborn Yes
Infants from 1 month to less than 24 months of age Yes
Children from 2 years to less than 12 years of age Yes
Adolescents from 12 years to less than 18 years Yes
Paediatric age ranges of study participants covered by the network 0-18 years old (in few cases older till 22 years old)
Multispeciality? Specify There are several multispecialty conditions covered mainly immunosuppresion and infectious diseases
Speciality/disease specific? Specify Mainly specialty specific as mentioned above
Conditions covered? Specify All the conditions mentioned above
Procedure/Intervention specific? Specify Not applicable
Number of collaborating countries 1
List of collaborating countries
Number of collaborating centres
List of collaborating centres
Type of activity/studies
Clinical Studies Yes
Experimental research Yes
Other activity Mainly clinical, translational and other basic research studies