European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

3 - Specific competencies and capacity to provide export advice




GNN - German Neonatal Network

Number of peer reviewed publications in the last 5 years 28 2011 Krueger M, Heinzmann A, Mailaparambil B, Härtel C, Göpel W. Polymorphisms of interleukin 18 in the genetics of preterm birth and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2011; 96:F299-300 Härtel C, Hemmelmann C, Faust K, Gebauer C, Hoehn T, Kribs A, Laux R, Nikischin W, Wegerer H, Teig N, von der Wense A, Wieg C, Herting E, Göpel W, for the German Neonatal Network. Tumor necrosis factor-α promoter -308 G/A polymorphism and susceptibility to sepsis in very-low-birth-weight infants. Crit Care Med 2011, 39:1190-5 Stein A, Keller M, Ross S, Roggendorf M, Heitmann F, Hoehn T, Göpel W, Felderhoff-Müser U, Härtel C. Pandemic A/H1N1(2009) influenza infections in very-low-birth-weight infants--a case series from the German Neonatal Network. Klin Padiatr. 2011; 223:267-70. Göpel W, Kribs A, Ziegler A, Laux R, Hoehn T, Wieg C, Siegel J, Avenarius S, von der Wense A, Vochem M, Groneck P, Weller U, Möller J, Härtel C, Haller S, Roth B, Herting E; German Neonatal Network. Avoidance of mechanical ventilation by surfactant treatment of spontaneously breathing preterm infants (AMV): an open-label, randomised, controlled trial. Lancet. 2011; 378:1627-34. 2012 Härtel C, Felderhoff-Müser U, Gebauer C, Hoehn T, Kribs A, Laux R, Möller J, Segerer H, Teig N, von der Wense A, Wieg C, Stichtenoth G, Herting E, Göpel W; German Neonatal Network (GNN). ATP-binding cassette member A3 (E292V) gene mutation and pulmonary morbidity in very-low-birth-weight infants. Acta Paediatr. 2012; 101:380-3. Stichtenoth G, Demmert M, Bohnhorst B, Stein A, Ehlers S, Heitmann F, Rieger-Fackeldey E, Olbertz D, Roll C, Emeis M, Mögel M, Schiffmann H, Wieg C, Wintgens J, Herting E, Göpel W, Härtel C. Major Contributors to Hospital Mortality in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants: Data of the Birth Year 2010 Cohort of the German Neonatal Network. Klin Padiatr. 2012; 224:276-81. Spiegler J, Härtel C, Schulz L, von Wurmb-Schwark N, Hoehn T, Kribs A, Küster H, Siegel J, Wieg C, Weichert J, Herting E, Göpel W, and the German Neonatal Network, GNNCauses of delivery and outcomes of very preterm twins stratified to zygosity Twin Res Hum Genet 2012; 15:532-6. Härtel C, Faust K, Avenarius S, Bohnhorst B, Emeis M, Gebauer C, Groneck P, Heitmann F, Hoehn T, Hubert M, Kribs A, Küster H, Laux R, Mögel M, Müller D, Olbertz D, Roll C, Siegel J, Stein A, Vochem M, Weller U, von der Wense A, Wieg C, Wintgens J, Ziegler A, Herting E, and Göpel W for the German Neonatal Network (GNN). Epidemic microclusters of blood-culture proven sepsis in very-low-birth weight infants: experience of the German Neonatal Network PLoS One 2012; 7:e38304. 2013 Spiegler J, Schlaud M, König IR, Teig N, Hubert M, Herting E, Göpel W; German Neonatal Network, GNN. Very low birth weight infants after discharge: What do parents describe? Early Hum Dev. 2013; 89:343-7. Spiegler J, Stichtenoth G, Weichert J, König IR, Schlaud M, V D Wense A, Olbertz D, Gurth H, Schiffmann JH, Bohnhorst B, Gortner L, Herting E, Göpel W; The German Neonatal Network, GNN. Pregnancy risk factors for very premature delivery: what role do hypertension, obisity and diabetes play? Arch Gynecol Obstet 2013; 288:57-64. Haller S, Spiegler J, Hemmelmann C, Küster H, Vochem M, Möller J, Müller D, Kribs A, Haehn T, Härtel C, Herting E, Göpel W, The German Neonatal Network. Polymorphisms in FTO and MAF genes and birth weight, BMI, ponderal index, weight gain in a large cohort of infants with a birth weight below 1500 grams. PloS One 2013; 8:e66331. Mehler K, Oberthuer A, Härtel C, Herting E, Roth B, Göpel W, German Neonatal Network. Use of analgesic and sedative drugs in VLBW-infants in German NICUs from 2003-2010. Eur J Pediatr 2013; 217:1633-9. Spiegler J, Jensen R, Segerer H, Ehlers S, Kühn T, Jenke A, Gebauer C, Möller J, Orlikowsky T, Heitmann F, Baeckenholdt K, Herting E, Göpel W. Influence of smoking and alcohol during pregnancy on outcome of VLBW-infants. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol 2013; 217:215-9. 2014 Tröger B, Göpel W, Faust K, Müller T, Jorch G, Felderhoff-Müser U, Gortner L, Heitmann F, Hoehn T, Kribs A, Laux R, Roll C, Emeis M, Mögel M, Siegel J, Vochem M, von der Wense A, Wieg C, Herting E, Härtel C, for the German Neonatal Network. Risk of late-onset blood-culture proven sepsis in very-low-birth weight infants born small for gestational age: a large multi-center study from the German Neonatal Network. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2014; 33:238-43. Härtel C, Pagel J, Rupp J, Bendiks M, Guthmann F, Rieger-Fackeldey E, Heckmann M, Franz A, Schiffmann JH, Zimmermann B, Hepping N, von der Wense A, Wieg C, Herting E, Göpel W; German Neonatal Network. Prophylactic use of Lactobacillus acidophilus/Bifidobacterium infantis probiotics and outcome in very low birth weight infants. J Pediatr. 2014; 165:285-289. (IF 3,790) Göpel W, Berkowski S, Preuss M, Ziegler A, Küster H, Felderhoff-Müser U, Gortner L, Mögel M, Härtel C, Herting E; German Neonatal Network. Mitochondrial mutation m.1555A>G as a risk factor for failed newborn hearing screening in a large cohort of preterm infants. BMC Pediatr. 2014; 14:210. 2015 Göpel W, Kribs A, Härtel C, Avenarius S, Teig N, Groneck P, Olbertz D, Roll C, Vochem M, Weller U, von der Wense A, Wieg C, Wintgens J, Preuss M, Ziegler A, Roth B, Herting E; German Neonatal Network (GNN). Less invasive surfactant administration is associated with improved pulmonary outcomes in spontaneously breathing preterm infants. Acta Paediatr. 2015;104:241-6. Demmert M, Schaper A, Pagel J, Gebauer C, Emeis M, Heitmann F, Kribs A, Siegel J, Müller D, Keller-Wackerbauer A, Gerleve H, Wieg C, Herting E, Göpel W, Härtel C. FUT 2 polymorphism and outcome in very-low-birth-weight infants. Pediatr Res. 2015;77:586-90. Hanke K, Hartz A, Manz M, Bendiks M, Heitmann F, Orlikowsky T, Müller A, Olbertz D, Kühn T, Siegel J, von der Wense A, Wieg C, Kribs A, Stein A, Pagel J, Herting E, Göpel W, Härtel C; German Neonatal Network (GNN). Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes and outcome of very-low-birth-weight infants in the german neonatal network. PLoS One. 2015; 10(4):e0122564. Spiegler J, Eisemann N, Ehlers S, Orlikowsky T, Kannt O, Herting E, Göpel W. Length and weight of very low birth weight infants in Germany at 2 years of age: does it matter at what age they start complementary food? Eur J Clin Nutr. 2015; 69:662-7. Stichtenoth G, Härtel C, Spiegler J, Dördelmann M, Möller J, Wieg C, Orlikowsky T, Stein A, Herting E, Goepel W. Increased Risk for Bronchitis after Discharge in Non-vaccinated Very Low Birth Weight Infants. Klin Padiatr. 2015; 227:80-83. Kribs A*, Roll C, Göpel W*, Wieg C, Groneck P, Laux R, Teig N, Hoehn T, Böhm W, Welzing L, Vochem M, Hoppenz M, Bührer C, Mehler K, Stützer H, Franklin J,Stöhr A, Herting E, Roth B, NINSAPP Trial Investigators. Non-intubated surfactant application during CPAP-assisted spontaneous breathing versus conventional therapy in extremely preterm infants – a randomised controlled trial. JAMA Pediatr 2015; 169:723-30. Faust K, Härtel C, Preuß M, Rabe H, Roll C, Emeis M, Wieg C, Szabo M, Herting E, Göpel W; Neocirculation project and the German Neonatal Network (GNN).Short-term outcome of very-low-birthweight infants with arterial hypotension in the first 24 h of life. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2015 Sep;100:F388-92. von Wurmb-Schwark N, Podruks E, Schwark T, Göpel W, Fimmers R, Poetsch M. About the power of biostatistics in sibling analysis-comparison of empirical and simulated data. Int J Legal Med. 2015; 129:1201-9. Stahl A, Göpel W. Screening und Behandlung der Frühgeborenenretinopathie. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2015; 112:730-5 2016 Härtel C, Hartz A,Pagel J,Rupp J,Stein A, Kribs A, Müller A, Haase R, Gille C, Böttger R, Kittel J, Jensen R, Wieg C, Herting E, and Göpel W for the German Neonatal Network (GNN). NOD2 polymorphisms and the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in very-low-birth-weight infants – a population-based cohort study. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2016; 22:249-56. Spiegler J, Preuß M, Gebauer C, Bendiks M, Herting E, Göpel W; German Neonatal Network (GNN); German Neonatal Network GNN. Does Breastmilk Influence the Development of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia? J Pediatr. 2016; 169:76-80. Härtel C, Hartz A, Bahr L, Gille C, Gortner L, Simon A, Orlikowsky T, Müller A, Körner T, Henneke P, Haase R, Zemlin M, Viemann D, Gebauer C, Thome U, Ziegler A, Rupp J, Herting E, Göpel W; German Neonatal Network. Media Stories on NICU Outbreaks Lead to an Increased Prescription Rate of Third-Line Antibiotics in the Community of Neonatal Care. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2016 May 4:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]
Number of competitive grants obtained in the last 5 years 4 All publications are based on network data.
Access to expert groups No There are close contacts to the German society for neonatology, but these are not formalized.
Capacity to answer external scientific questions No The GNN is a public funded network which is supporting trials, but it does not work like e.g. a CRO.
Site feasibility No
Participant recruitment No
Budget calculation for studies No