European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

3 - Specific competencies and capacity to provide export advice




OKIDS - Medicines for Children Research Organization Austria

Number of peer reviewed publications in the last 5 years 1 Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 2013 · 161:316–324 DOI 10.1007/s00112-012-2792-4 Online publiziert: 24. März 2013 Österreichisches Forschungsnetzwerk für Arzneimittelforschung (O.K.ids) Rahmenbedingungen, Ziele und ein europäischer Rundumblick
Number of competitive grants obtained in the last 5 years 1 As the network was only formally established in 05/2013 OKIDS by itself has no further formal publications at this point. However, Pediatricians of the OKIDS Steering Committee (i.e. Ladenstein, Lagler, Male) publish regularly and deliver a high academic output (ref. pub med)
Access to expert groups Yes OKIDS acts in cooperation with the Austrian Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine and is closely related to the respective disease specific pediatric networks and their representing experts in Austria
Capacity to answer external scientific questions Yes OKIDS has coordinate capacity to adress and involve Austrian pediatric experts in case of external scientific requests in particular in relation to clinical trials (i.e. protocol development advisory a/o consultant functions, review and support in the informed consent documents)
Site feasibility Yes OKISD specific questionaires / SOPs
Participant recruitment Yes Involvement of OKISD personell at sites and OKISD Intranet to monitor trial proposals and to monitor initiation and executions phases of clinical trials running with OKIDS support
Budget calculation for studies Yes OKIDS site managers support the PI team in budget calculations connecting the various diagnostic and therapeutic actors at the local sites