European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

4 - Quality management




ECFS-CTN - European Cystic Fibrosis Society - Clinical Trials Network

Documented adherence to GCP guideline Yes Pharma studies conducted should comply with the EU directive. CTN investigators are GCP trained
Documented adherence to the ethical considerations for clinical trials in children Yes CTN investigators know these guidelines. They are part of the documents on clinical trial regulations posted on
Documented adherence to ethical considerations Yes Reporting party is currently not setting up studies. Approval request is fulfilled by the study sponsor. At site level, pediatrician is part of IRBs
Availability of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Yes For study conduct: Network performs Pharma initiated studies, following their SOPs For measuring of outcome parameters SOPs of the US network (CFF-TDN) are made available to all sites and EU versions will be available by end of 2011. SOPs are posted on the internal (non-public) website but can be obtained upon request (
Capacity to monitor studies
(academic trials industry sponsored trials)
No The monitoring is the responsibility of the pharma company or assigned CRO
Capacity to monitor performance of collaborating centres Yes The CTN coordinating centre follows up on study startup metrics and on recruitment and possible associated problems and delays
Quality control and quality assurance, raceability and data safety Yes A quality assessment and improvement program is available for the sites. Sites receive a yearly report with their quality metrics. A dedicated quality manager is part of the CTN core team. CTN is not handling study data: = responsibility of the pharma sponsor