European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

4 - Quality management




I-BFM-SG - International BFM Study Group

Documented adherence to GCP guideline Yes All studies conducted since 2006 (Interfant-06, AIEOP-BFM ALL 2009;ICC APL Study 01) fully adhere to the GCP guideline.
Documented adherence to the ethical considerations for clinical trials in children Yes The approval of the study is done at national levels, according to the different bylaws but including the most recent EU directive on Ethical considerations for clinical trial in paediatric populations.
Documented adherence to ethical considerations Yes All National ECs include paediatric expertise.
Availability of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Yes Only the most recent clinical studies (see above 4.1) include SOPs.
Capacity to monitor studies
(academic trials industry sponsored trials)
Yes Only the most recent clinical studies (see above 4.1).
Capacity to monitor performance of collaborating centres Yes The perfomance of the collaborating centres is monitored through the National Study Groups.
Quality control and quality assurance, raceability and data safety Yes The merged steering Committees of the different National Study Group is fully responsible of the quality control and quality assurance. An independent DMSC has become common policy of the most recent clinical studies performed by the network.