European Medicines Agency - Regulatory - Regulation of medicines

D - Description



I-BFM-SG - International BFM Study Group

Year of foundation 1988
Preterm and/or term newborn Yes
Infants from 1 month to less than 24 months of age Yes
Children from 2 years to less than 12 years of age Yes
Adolescents from 12 years to less than 18 years Yes
Paediatric age ranges of study participants covered by the network 0-15 years
Multispeciality? Specify Oncology
Speciality/disease specific? Specify Hematological Malignancies
Conditions covered? Specify Childhood leukemias and related disorders, including non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Procedure/Intervention specific? Specify Stem Cell Transplantation
Number of collaborating countries 33
List of collaborating countries 1. Europe •Austria (BFM-A) •Belgium (CLCG-EORTC) •Croatia •Czech Republic (CPH) •Denmark (NOPHO) •Finland (NOPHO) •France (FRALLE, CLCG-EORTC) •Germany (BFM-G) •Hungary (HPOG) •Iceland (NOPHO) •Israel (INS) •Italy (AIEOP) •Norway (NOPHO) •Poland (PPLLSG) •Serbia and Montenegro •Slovakia •Slovenia •Spain •Sweden (NOPHO) •Switzerland (BFM-CH) •The Netherlands (DCOG) •Turkey •Unit. Kingdom (UKCCLG) •Ukraine 2. Outside Europe •Argentina (GATLA) •Australia and New Zealand (ANZCHOG) •Chile (PINDA) •Hong-Kong •Israel (INS) •Japan (JPLSG) •Uruguay
Number of collaborating centres 0
List of collaborating centres The precise number of collaborating centers is not available but can be considered in the range of several hundreds (38 for Italy-AIEOP and more than 60 for Germany-BFMG for example), only through the National study groups of each countries.
Type of activity/studies
Clinical Studies Yes
Experimental research Yes
Other activity 1.Continuous education through the organization of the Annual Meeting (> 300 participants), several Committees meetings and a Biannual Congress on Childhood Leukemias 2. Promote the cooperation with countries with limited reosurces through the organization of international clinical studies.